Girls screaming for their team and their favorite players...
which of course were hotties.

Being annoyed at the cheerleaders (if they wern't one) for their stupid halftime routines, because well... the basketball players noticed them in their short skirts. They probably didn't know the difference between a layup or a free throw.... Stupid cheerleaders anyway. (wait.. I was one of them. Oops.) Anyway.

I've realized... not much as changed in my life... except my young virle teenage boy that I probably would have cheered for in highschool, is now a grown man of almost 30 and is still playing the game..
I sit on the sidelines, cheering for my man. Muscled arms and legs shooting that orange ball for 2-3 points.
I've realized... that even though we don't win as often as we'd like (what? Sounds like highschool)
that it is so much more fun... when you actually get to go home with that muscled basketball player,
instead of dreaming unknown dreams about a scrawny highschool player.
God is great, basketball is good... my life is crazy.