tap tap tap is this thing on?


August was hot.

August was a long time ago.

August was insane.

Did I mention August brought Headlice?

We won't talk about it...
August melted into a similarly insane September.
As well as a pretty crazy October.
My birfday was in October.

I got to go paintballing.
and just for the record that picture is completely unrealistic... this is more like it.

in fact one of my friends got nailed on his bald head... twice. :D
Now we're into November.

I'm stoked.
It's almost Thanksgiving.

Which also means it's almost Black Friday.

And almost time for me to decorate my house for Christmas.

I love this season.
I'm going to try to post a few ramblings here and there more often. Especially now that my introvert mother is hosting a Christmas Party.
She's not an introvert. Not really.
She's obsessive compulsive and "matchy matchy"

She has a "theme" every year for Christmas.

I'm not kidding.

Everything matches.

I'm laughing at this becuase a friend of hers (for the past 26 years) voulenteered her home to host the annual Home Extension Holiday Party. Where a bunch of women from the country celebrate the holidays the only way they know how, with homeade, E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G.

Man I miss the country.
I'm done for now.
I'll post more about Mom's Holiday party later. :D
And some of the fun things I've gotten for her for it. :D