So I bought a new garbage can today. Now I know. Woo pity do right? Well here’s the deal. I’ve hated the garbage can I had for YEARS.10 to be exact, I bought it when T and I first got our 1st apartment in Brooklyn Park, STOP! GHETTO TIME! uh oh uh oh uh oh… Did you ever come to that apartment? I didn’t let many people in as I was ashamed of our two folding chairs folding table, and 3 TV trays we had for furniture. The fact I didn’t have a vacuum or anything (or that I didn’t vacuum until two weeks before we moved out because That’s when we bought a vacuum) It was scary there. The only good thing I got out of it was a killer red sauce recipe from my scary tattooed maintenance man who was a full blooded Italian from Jersey.
Anyway back to the now Garbage Can Saga… Dun Dun DUN!
Okay so I hated this garbage can. It’s blue, I’m sure you remember how much I love the color blue. Stupid I know, how can somebody not like a color right? Whatever. So, the thing I hate most about it, besides the fact that it’s blue is the fact that no garbage sacks actually fit it. Now I know what you’re thinking, it’s for lack of actually looking for the correct garbage sack size. NO IT”S NOT! Seriously! They all say Tall Kitchen Bags. None of them fit and when you put something remotely heavy in it, the stupid thing sinks to the bottom therein leaving a gap at the top that inevitably folds in and let me tell you. A 7, 5, and 2 year old do NOT know how to pull that stupid flap back up to avoid getting food or WHATEVER all down around it. It is not a family friendly garbage can.
(just for the record, I never thought that this stupid garbage can story would actually take up more than 2 sentences, LOL But what the hey, it’s keeping you entertained.)
So today I buy a garbage can that will actually fit the size of Garbage Bags that T had found on clearance (what? NO!) at Home Depot. We have like 6 boxes of these (90 in each) so I think I’m set for a while. I get home and joyously put out the new garbage can (it’s white). It’s short. … um… ew. So I get the little stool that the kids used to use in the bathroom to set it up on so that I have a taller garbage can. Guess what? The stool is blue. FOR THE LOVE OF PETE! (who’s pete?) Can I NOT get away from the color blue? WTFUHHH UH UH UH!!!! <= whining. J So I set the old sucker over by the back door so that I can maybe use it downstairs in my laundry room. It’s sitting by the boot basket and keeps tipping over, no big I’ll get it downstairs. But first.. Wait for it. T gets annoyed with it. “So uh, K, What’s going on with this old garbage can here?”… I don’t know what you mean, I’m not using it in my kitchen anymore. “ Yeah but it’s in the way; what are you planning on doing with it?” Woo sah. Um well I’m going to use it downstairs in the laundry room probably. “Well don’t you think you should move it? It’s kinda in the way here.” *picture steam actually coming out my ears* Okay honey, have a good workout. Looooove you. *shuts door calmly* (you’d be oh so proud) But through my head runs this dialog…: WTF IS HE SERIOUSLY THINIKING? THE FACT THAT THAT STUPID GARBAGE CAN WAS SLIGHTLY IN HIS Fing WAY AND HE IS PISSED ABOUT IT, It’s kinda annoying K? ARE YOU Fing KIDDING ME, HOW MUCH S~ DO YOU BRING IN THIS HOUSE FELLA ND I HAVE TO MOVE A GARBAGE CAN BECAUSE YOU THINK ITS “KINDA ANNOYING?” I MOST OF THE TIME CANNOT GET OUT MY FRONT DOOR OR EVEN MY BACK DOOR IF I WANT TO MAKE A STRIAGHT SHOT FROM THE KITCHEN TO THE BACK DOOR AND YOU’RE GETTING PISSY AND WHINEY ABOUT A Fing GARBAGE CAN…?????>>>>!>>!>>!>!>>!)($#%*)($%#*@)($%* REALLY? SERIOUSLY? DUDE!!!!!!!
Rant over.
I got slightly emotional over the garbage can saga. Sorry.