Ree Drummond Rocks.
I went to see her at Mall of America on Saturday.
I waited in line for 5 hours to see her.
You're wondering who she is right?
She is one of the coolest ladies I know and I swear we could be sisters. Or something. Not in a stalker sort of way.
She is a city girl, who fell in love, moved to the country and fell in love with it.
I'm a country girl who fell in love, moved to the city, and now my guy and I are trying to get moved back out to the country that we love.
She homeschools.
I homeschoool.
She cooks.
I cook.
There are a lot of other similarites but the most is that she has this wicked sweet cookbook out, of which I stood in line for 5 hours to get signed.
Everything in it, from the recipes to the anticdotes, I love. I connect with.
She rocks.
Here's a few shots from the day at MOA.
I would have liked to have had a few more seconds, that's right seconds, with her, but when over 500 people came to see her, I couldn't be greedy. I just hope she likes the stuff I gave her. Homeade Pumpkin Toffee Pecan cookies, a festive holiday apron that I made and a bag of my favorite coffee... see posts below. :D
Thanks Ree~ You Rock.
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