My Inspiration~

So I commend the enjoyment of life, because nothing is better for a man under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad. Then joy will accompany him in his work all the days of the life God has given him under the sun. Ecclesiasties 8:15

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Just Getting Started

One thinks that when they start a blog they will continue to be faithful to keeping it up. At least that is their good intentions. The problem with me is that as much as I want to keep up my other blog, I am hesitant because I feel the need to edit myself for it. To many people read it that would probably disapprove of some of the rantings I have.

Not this blog.

Today I start fresh with my own rambling, a place to vent, and maybe a few tips to throw out into the void.

1.) I am passionate about Christ, my faith and my family.

2.) I homeschool my kids and I love every minute of it!

3.) I love to cook and be in the kitchen creating.

4.) Coffee is my biggest weakness. (besides BoGo at Payless.)

5.) I'm a stay at home mom and a housewife to a wonderful husband.

6.) Your day is already off to a perfect start with a prayer and a good cup of coffee.

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